Monday, February 28, 2011

Chapter 8 Questioning the Media

1. What kind of stories, topics, or issues are not being covered well by mainstream papers?
- There are a few issues that are not being discussed as much as they should have been brought to my attention. My first topic would be the matter of education. There are problems in the education department, but the issues are not being brought out as a serious matter. Each year more standardized testing is being done with students. There are colleges and universities that increase tuitions yearly, the drop out rate amongst high school students is continiously rise, and in some states, some teachers are even being let go. These issues are too broad and drastic for anyone to ignore. Parents only dream for their kids to receive a well established education, but how can students get the learning and knowledge provided by the teachers if school systems are letting them go? All the prior issues have occured because classes are being over crowded due to the decreased amount of teachers. I remember at my high school, the school system cut back and let a few teachers go because of budget cuts. My class had to combine with another class because my teacher was let go. I felt bad for the teacher who had to take over both classes. She went from teaching 22 students to teaching 47 students. The real question would be, "Are we helping the students, or are we causing harm?" I can only hope things can become better. The newspapers are more focused on less realistic material and overlooking the valuable cases and issues. The school systems around the country have to come together and organize another plan that is best for the students.

2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S. daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? Why is newspaper readership going up in other countries?
- I believe the people are not reading the newspaper because individuals do not know who or what to believe. The media is quite broad because there is too much happening all over the country. As a country, we are still dealing with the same issues such as unemployment, poverty, and the economy. The readers can only assume its going to be the same problems in the paper, only printed on different days. I believe the readers have become bored with reading the paper. As a reader, the paper does not attract me anymore enough to read. There is also the matter that the newspapers are not selling as much and remain on the stands. Many newspaper companies are going digital. Instead of printing the news, companies are posting the news online to make the news more accessible for the working groups. That way readers can catch up on the news while on the go. I believe the readership has increased in other countries because the other countries can possibly read what is going on in America. In some countries, the government is quite strict on releasing information such as the news. The people may not be allowed to know the news or watch the news on tv; therefore, they read the paper. The internet may not be a strong hold in other countries when it comes to access, the newspaper might be the only way to get information.

5. Will blogs and other Internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your responses.
- I think they will replace newspapers because people are more internet based. People use the internet at home, schools, and on their phones. There are plenty of resources and ways for a reader to gather the news instead of relying only on the newspaper. The newspaper service can only go but to a certain limit. If the readers are not getting the papers from standds, the last option would be from the tv, but in this case it would be the internet. The blogs would not be successful without the internet being created, therefore; the blogs survive off the Internet. I personally do not tend to read blogs because the blogs they are individual's thoughts and opinions. The blogs can also be changed, deleted, or things added to it. I would not know what to believe. In due time, technology will take over and the newspaper companies will lie in rest.

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