Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter 7 Questioning the Media

1. Describe your earliest memory of going to a movie. Do some research and compare this with a parent's or grandparent's earliest memory. Compare the different experience.
- My earliest memory of going to a movie was with my sisters and parents. I was around 6 years old when I first went. I remember being excited when we walked into the building. The first thing that caught my eyes were the lights and the sounds coming from the arcade. I wanted to play all the games, but my favorite was the game with the steering wheel. This was a new surrounding to me and I liked the enjoyment the arcade brought to me. Moving forward to the counter, I believe the theaters are quite wise when it comes to marketing. I spotted all kinds of candy, popcorn, nachos and a bunch of other junk foods. I was the right height to see it all. I yelled, kicked, and screamed until I got all the junk food a kid my age would want. The last step was making our way into the movie. There were plenty of seats to choose from, but I wanted the seats at the very top in the back. That way I would be higher than everyone. I looked at the screen and I thought "wow that is a real big tv." The seats were somewhat like lounge chairs and so comfortable. My mother told me I was into the movie, but slowly started to decline halfway through the movie. I figured it was because of all the junk food I ate during the movie.

- I compared my movie experience with my grandpa. He is quite the wise man and knows alot about history. He told me that growing up blacks were not allowed to mingle with whites when it came to movies. Also that blacks were limited to what/when they could watch at the movies. He told me they had drive in movie theaters. When a person would drive in a vacant parking lot and watch the movie on a big screen while sitting in this car. He remembers eating junk food and having fun with friends. He also remembers that some movies were in color, while others still remained black and white. I am glad that I have more options and advantages that what my grandpa had growing up.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.
- A movie I was advised not to watch was the original "Scream" movie. My mother did not want me to watch the movie because she felt I was not mature enough to handle the materials in the movie. My mother knew I was too young and would have bad dreams. At the time, I wanted to prove her wrong. I had only seen a handful of horror type movies, but I knew this movie would be nothing to be scared of. I decided to sneak and watch the movie with my older siblings and cousins. I was the youngest out of the group, while everyone else was twice my age. I was calm during the previews, but within ten minutes of the movie, I was scared. I found myself under the covers and loosing control. It was hard for me to sleep alone because I would picture the "killer" coming after me in my sleep. I slept with my parents a few times to be on the safe side. I was lucky enough not to have any bad dreams. I knew than that I should have listened to my mother from the beginning. 

3. How often do you go to the movie theaters today? How often do you play DVDs on a television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?
- I have not been to the movie theaters in a while because I have not found the time to go. I work on a regular basis throughout the week and being in school full time can also be another hassle. When I was younger I would go to the movies almost every weekend with friends because it was something to do on the weekend. The prices than were more affordable for me to go often. When I did go I would eat a big meal before I went, that way I would not have to buy any of the high priced snacks. The prices of the theaters now are quite pricey for me to go. I am more than sure as the prices continue to rise, the revenue of the movie theaters will slowly decrease. I also have not been because there has not been any movies that interest me well enough to go. I normally wait for the movie to come out on DVD, I try to find it on the newest creation, Netflix. I usually watch DVDs at home and on my computer a few times a week. I prefer to watch the DVDs at home because there is no rush, no hassling, and I can watch them on my time. I do not have to pay the crazy prices when I can watch them for cheap on my computer.

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