Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 6 Questioning the Media

2. If you controlled a cable public-access channel in your community, what would be your channel's goal? What could we do to make public-government,or educational  access programming more appealing? Should we?
- I would have a different type of goals that would provide an overall image for my company. One goal for my company would be to have a positive image to uphold. That way consumers would want to coperate with my company. I would not want other companies to bad mouth my company especially to consumers. I believe that having a good quality company is what would bring in the money and the business. Another goal would be to try to branch out amongst other communities. That way more people can have access to my channels and programs. The company would be something unique to provide information for the people of the community because the individuals are the community. A good way to make educational channels more appealing would be to change certain things around. I would try to have certain shows during particular time frames. The mornings would be for the young kids, getting ready for school. That way they can get the brain working early in the morning. Than towards the afternoon, that session would be for the older kids. When kids come home, the last thing they want to hear about is education anything while at home. A quick way to reach out to more kids is to link into what they like, cartoons. In a way, I feel by trying to make these topics more appealing would be a waste of energy.

3. Do you think the must-carry rules violate a cable company's First Amendment rights? Why or why not?
- I do not believe the must carry out rules violate the first amendment laws. The company does have the right to show and put on what they want to. At the same time, I feel the amendments have nothing to do with the must carry rules. The major must carry out rules states that the cable operators were to assign channels and carry all local tv broadcast on their systems. I believe it was fair of the FCC to come about with the rules and regulations. If the FCC would not have stepped in, the cable companies would have taken advantage of consumers. THe FCC made sure that everyone was having equal rights and opportunities when it came to be broadcasting shows.

5. Do you think DBS is an equal competitor to cable? Why or why not?
- The thought of DBS being an equal competitor to cable is out of the question. DBS has a higher advantage over cable. With cable, a consumer would be getting basic channels. The channels that are more required rather than wanted by consumers. The DBS has more option with channels that basic cable can not provide. The DBS also was able to provide HD channels and better quality. The usage of DBS has increased over the years. In my opinion, that proves consumers are leading more in that direction. A consumer would be able to watch different music, types of sports, and even stations programmed for music. Both programs are useful tools for entertainment, but DBS surely outshines the average cable network provided today.

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