Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 9 Blog

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? Which magazines do you read regularly today? Why?
My earliest memory reading magazines was when I read the NickJr and Cartoon Network magazines. These used to keep my interest because I always use to watch the cartoons on TV, but reading and looking at the pictures, made it much more interesting for me to keep my interest.  The magazines have changed when I used to looks at them as a kid. Most of the time, I really look at magazines on a regular basis, but when I am able to I look at different magazines for my interest. For example, I am a kind of person that is really into music and keeping up with the music artist, so I try to read Word Up!
5. Think of stories, ideas, and images (illustrations and photos) that do not appear in mainstream magazines. Why do you think this is so? (Use the Internet, LexiNexis or library to compare your list with Project Censored, an annual list of the year’s most underreported stories.)
Many ads, stories, and illustrations aren’t show in specific magazines because of the content and the use of it. For example, there are specific types of content usage. There is a magazine called, King, and it promotes some sexual content. This would not be suitable for children who read NickJr and other kid magazines. There are many rules and regulations that the corporations need to follow. This goes for if the person wanted to advertise a picture or article. It is similar to the specific channels that should be watched on TV. Certain types of magazines with specific ads and pictures are for certain age groups.
7. Do you think the Internet will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?
Magazines aren’t as popular as the Internet, but they still exist. Honestly, there are many different types of magazines that play a major part in this economy. For example, kids magazines are for entertainment and enjoyment. In my opinion I don’t feel that Internet would knock magazines completely off the market. Yet, I feel that it may slow it down. Magazines are very important and viewed by different age groups, its just used in different types of ways. In out day and age, we look at Internet for more of our entertainment at times, but we still look at magazines for informative as well as entertainment.

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