Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chapter 11 Questioning the Media

1. What is your earliest recollection of watching a television commercial? Do you have a favorite ad? A most despised ad? What is it about thse ads that you particularly like or dislike?
- My earliest recollection of commercials were towards the food industry. I remember sitting in front of the tv and watching the McDonald's kids meal commercials. Their commercials were definatly suited towards the younger kids. I would always remember McDonalds having the best toys and chicken nuggets. Everytime the toys would change, I had to be sure to get the newest toys. For a short time period, I collected the toys. My friends and I considered ourselves to be cool because we would play with our toys at school. My favorite type of ads are the ones that send a strong message to the audience. My favorite ads are the "Foundation for a Better Life" messages. Even though, the commercials are not trying to sell anything, they are encouraging strong values of life that are priceless. Each commercial I see, I try to use that specific message and add it into my daily life and routines. These are the types of commercials that the youth of America should be watching instead of the ones about bad behavior, drugs, and alcohol. There are also certain ads that I despise quite well. These ads are not my favorite type of commercials. The ads I don't prefer are the ones that talk about cigarettes and drinking. These type commercials targer the adult and older crowd and try to persuad the consumers and watchers taht all the "cool" adults drink particular beers and do certain activities.

2. Why are so many people critical of advertising?
- I believe people are critical towards advertisement because they are so opinionated. We, as a people have a right to be opinionated. Whether an ad is good or bad, individuals will always have an opinion about it. There are ads out now that I believe are very well put together and creative with the use of media and technology. There are also ads that are plain, cut, and dry. People use ads in order to market or sell particular products or merchandise. The average person may hear about ads on tv, radio, newspaper, or on bulletin boards while driving down the highway. I can never see myself approving of any ads about drinking, smoking, or drugs. I also learned that some ads can be misleading. It's hard to believe what ads are valid and which ads are fake. The most invalid ads are the exercise ads and the ones about taking diet pills and the weight will "fall off"  and "disappear." A person has to know what to believe and what is not true. An ad can please some people, but it won't please everybody.

4. Should advertising aimed at children be regulated?
- I strongly believe advertisement aimed at children should be regulated. I believe that commercials should be brought to the head people of tv networks, than it should be approved of whether or not it is good enough to be televised. I have young siblings and nephews, and that last thing I would want them to see is a commercial they shouldn't be looking at. If an ad it focused towards children than it should highlight playing with toys or something educational. When I watch my nephews, I have my tv set to show very little commercials. I also let them watch shows on NickJr and Playhouse Disney. I know those type of shows are for them and that the commercials are targeted towards their age group.

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