Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chapter 12 -Questioning the Media-

1. What do you think of when you hear the term public relations? What images come to mind? Where did these impressions come from?
- When I think of the term public relations a few ideas generate in my mind. I think like an average individual and believes it has something to do with the general public and how the public operates. I also believe it is how the public carries a certain relationship with a certain company and having certain standards to portray. A few images that come to mind with public relations is the business attire and the idea of unity. The public relationships field is a type of business with respect and integrity. These images come from movies that I've watched and from people I have come in contact with that have worked in the field. At one time, it was a field I wanted to try to get into. I did my research and everything about the field was exactly the way I believe it was.

2. What might a college or university do to improve public relations with homeowners on the end of a campus who have to deal with noisy student parties and a shortage of parking spaces?
- A college and/or universities can do a great deal to improve public relations with homeowners. I came up with a few ideas of my own. For the loud noises, I agree that the neighbors should work on an agreement plan, that way the college individuals can still have fun and the neighbors can still keep the peace and harmony. I feel it would be accurate if colleges were within a certain distance away from neighborhoods, creating a sound barrier between the two. Another solution would be to have all students parking to have a parking pass. That way only certain drivers would be allow to park in certain spots and for the ones that do not have a pass, would be towed. That idea sounds general and fair because an individual should not part where he/she is not allowed to. In either situation, a respectable approach is still necessary. Both parties do have a right to want to be loud and want to keep things calm and quiet. The neighbors also have a right to be able to come home and not see their driveway blocked by cars. In an regards, the number one issue is safety. The neighborhoods which are the community need to work together with the colleges/universities to make sure that safety is always practiced and maintained.

5. Besides the Exxon Valdez and the Tylenol cases cited in this chapter, investigate and research a PR crisis. How was the crisis handled?
- The PR crisis I chose to write about is the big E Coli scare. After reading about the case, I seen that it was nationwide crisis. The crisis mainly hit in the western part of the country, mainly in California. Many produce farming companies were in jeopardy of bagging and selling "tainted" spinach. The issue resulted in deaths of over 150 consumers and sickened a few others. Luckily, the tainted spinach was pulled off shelves of local markets, grocery stores, and school cafeterias. The blame was not aimed mainly at the spinach, but towards the cattle and the farming livestock process. Government inspectors and food safety experts made it their mission to decrease the chances of the E coli situation coming back as well as other bacterial matter. They made sure the farmers as well as bagging/shipping companies were following safety regulations to ensure a product of quality is being bought and consumed.

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