Friday, April 22, 2011

Chapter 13 Questioning the Media

1. Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? Why or Why not?
- I would say I am exposed to popular culture from other countries. In the school systems, schools now offer different types of languages taught to expand the knowledge and theory of being bilingual. When I was in high school and even in college, I had the opportunity to learn about the spanish culture. I learned about the language, the countries, the types of music and dances. I was exposed to a lot of information, but it was educational and I liked the class and the culture. Most people may feel uncomfortable stepping out of the comfort zone and trying something different, but I am not that type of person. Another way I am exposed is having the different types of foods offered here. In America, there is not only american based foods. There is a variety offered and I can go places for chinese, italian, japanese and even arubian foods. Having these type of choices can give a consumer a way to embrace other cultural foods from different places. My last exposure to other countries is the music. I can go to local music stores or online and I can hear different genres and styles from non-american artists. Overall, I feel it is important to embrace other countries and to be open minded.

2. Do you read international news? Why or why not?
- I read international news because I feel it's more than important to know what is going on in other places. Things that happen in other countries can affect America in some way. When things happen, America is always on call for help and relief. It is truly a good way to show that a country cares and can be supportive during the rough times. The latest news about the earthquake in Japan was drastic and horrifying. I watched the heavy waters destroy the land as well as take away houses and cars. Despite the country, we are still human and we all hurt, feel pain, and bleed the same way. It is always a good approach to read and know what is going on in other places to be informed.

5. Is there such a thing as a global village? What does this concept mean to you?
- I believe there is a such thing as a global village. There is one that I believe exist here in America as well as in our surrounding neighborhoods and communities. The word is described as the home of all nations and people living interdependently. In comparison with my home, we have different types of people living here but we are all different. I would consider America, the home of all nations because we have different social groups, races, and nationalities. We all have different roles and lifestyles, but we help each other and depend on one another to survive.

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