Tuesday, April 26, 2011

chapter 15 Questioning the Media:

1. What are your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?
- My main concern would be how strong is the mass media department. I would be concerned if the faculty is truly passionate about the media studies that they would be teaching. Some teachers, are more concerned with paychecks and grades, while others connect with students in a different way. If I majored in mass media or communications, I would want to know would there be any special program I could enroll in. Another concern of mine is about the newspaper department. I would want to know how to join the team and get involved. A few criticisms I have are about the mass media study department here at LR.The newspaper comes out at random times of the year. I open up the paper and I see the same faces in almost every paper and in every section of the paper. I also see the same quotes and interviews from the same individuals. The paper should have a variety of different types of people and activities.

3. Can you think of an issue that media industry and academic researchers could study together?
- I believe an issue they would be able study together is the field of young children. I would want to know the effects of sitting young children in front of the TV at a young age. Also, if TV is really safe for children or should it be monitored all the time? When it comes to my nephews, I am more than aware of what they are exposed to on TV. All the TVs are set to block off all channels that are not suitable for them. I tend to not leave them in front of a TV because the TV is a lot for them to take in and to capture. My last issue would be to research if music in the classroom can benefit kids with learning and progressing. The advantage of listening to my ipod in class is that it helped improve my grades. I was able to grasp material better while listening to music because I am focused.

4. In looking at media courses in a college curriculum, what do you think the relationship is between theory and practice?
- I believe the relationship between theory and practice is that an individual can have a problem and in hopes of finding a solution. The theory would be the problem that is needing to be researched and the practice would be the steps taken to reach and prove the theory right or wrong. The courses do belong in a liberal arts college because the students studying at such schools need the practice to be sure they are ready to step into careers well prepared. Having a separate communication college would cause problems because how would the school be funded and also the students would have to find a way to go from the liberal to the communication college. The communication would be a good place for internships and for students to reach higher promotions and opportunities.

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