Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter 10 Question the Media

1. What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Why?
-My earliest recollections of books was when I was younger. I had a wide selection of variety of Dr. Suess books. My mohter and grandmother would always read me a good night story before going to bed. I would always request a Dr. Suess book because they would make particular voices to really bring out the story. I had other books as well, but those books were boring to me. My favorite Dr. Suess book was "Green Eggs & Ham" because it will always be a classic child story. The books meant a big deal to me as a child because I valued the reading time with my family. I used to read often when I was in elementary and middle school, but that was because it was required to read a certain amount of books throughout the year. Once I hit high school, the reading process slowly faded out the picture. I would than only read for class, but outside of class I would not think about picking up a book. It was the process of becoming less productive and more lazy. Even now as a college student, my reading skills have not been much of an interest. I find myself making excuses as to why I don't read or couldn't read. As of now, I read things for class or when I'm looking up things such as information for homework or for a project. My favorite types of books involved some type of mystery. I enjoyed mystery books because the books always had a suspense behind the motives. I also liked non-fiction books because the books provided thorough facts that were quite informational.

3. If you were opening an independent bookstore in a town with a chain store, such as Barnes & Noble, how would you compete?
- If I were to open an independent bookstore in a town with Barnes & Noble, I would want to compete with the company. I would compete by having a more cool type name for my business. I would call my store either "Books & Stuff" or "Book Club." That way people would be able to remember the store name because it sounds more realistic. I would also try to create my very own mascot for my store. It would have to be a mascot that represents the power of reading and being a leader, I would choose a lion. On the inside I would provide low budget books, newspapers, computer labs, and also free wi-fi. I would also have a built in coffee shop with smoothies, drinks, and other snacks. In order to make the place more comfortable for everyone, those would be my ideas. Overall, it would be hard to compete with a company as strong as Barnes & Nobles because the company is well respected and established.

6. Would you read a book on an Ipod or a Kindle? Why or why not?
- I would not want to read a book on an Ipod because I used my Ipod only for my music. In today's technology society, Ipods have allowed an individual to do things such as reading novels on the Ipod, even though that does not work for me. I am the type of person that likes to highlight, make little notes, and write in my books to help study or remember things. I know things of that nature, I would not be able to do on my Ipod. I would consider myself to be an old-fashioned book reader. I prefer to have the printed materials in my hands because it would feel more reliable as opposed to an Ipod source. I would be more prone to misplacing my Ipod more than a book. I see a good amount of individuals who have their Ipods on them at all times throughout the day, those would be the ones whom would benefit from Ipod book reading. It may benefit some, but I know it would not benefit me.

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