Monday, February 28, 2011

Chapter 8 Questioning the Media

1. What kind of stories, topics, or issues are not being covered well by mainstream papers?
- There are a few issues that are not being discussed as much as they should have been brought to my attention. My first topic would be the matter of education. There are problems in the education department, but the issues are not being brought out as a serious matter. Each year more standardized testing is being done with students. There are colleges and universities that increase tuitions yearly, the drop out rate amongst high school students is continiously rise, and in some states, some teachers are even being let go. These issues are too broad and drastic for anyone to ignore. Parents only dream for their kids to receive a well established education, but how can students get the learning and knowledge provided by the teachers if school systems are letting them go? All the prior issues have occured because classes are being over crowded due to the decreased amount of teachers. I remember at my high school, the school system cut back and let a few teachers go because of budget cuts. My class had to combine with another class because my teacher was let go. I felt bad for the teacher who had to take over both classes. She went from teaching 22 students to teaching 47 students. The real question would be, "Are we helping the students, or are we causing harm?" I can only hope things can become better. The newspapers are more focused on less realistic material and overlooking the valuable cases and issues. The school systems around the country have to come together and organize another plan that is best for the students.

2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S. daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? Why is newspaper readership going up in other countries?
- I believe the people are not reading the newspaper because individuals do not know who or what to believe. The media is quite broad because there is too much happening all over the country. As a country, we are still dealing with the same issues such as unemployment, poverty, and the economy. The readers can only assume its going to be the same problems in the paper, only printed on different days. I believe the readers have become bored with reading the paper. As a reader, the paper does not attract me anymore enough to read. There is also the matter that the newspapers are not selling as much and remain on the stands. Many newspaper companies are going digital. Instead of printing the news, companies are posting the news online to make the news more accessible for the working groups. That way readers can catch up on the news while on the go. I believe the readership has increased in other countries because the other countries can possibly read what is going on in America. In some countries, the government is quite strict on releasing information such as the news. The people may not be allowed to know the news or watch the news on tv; therefore, they read the paper. The internet may not be a strong hold in other countries when it comes to access, the newspaper might be the only way to get information.

5. Will blogs and other Internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your responses.
- I think they will replace newspapers because people are more internet based. People use the internet at home, schools, and on their phones. There are plenty of resources and ways for a reader to gather the news instead of relying only on the newspaper. The newspaper service can only go but to a certain limit. If the readers are not getting the papers from standds, the last option would be from the tv, but in this case it would be the internet. The blogs would not be successful without the internet being created, therefore; the blogs survive off the Internet. I personally do not tend to read blogs because the blogs they are individual's thoughts and opinions. The blogs can also be changed, deleted, or things added to it. I would not know what to believe. In due time, technology will take over and the newspaper companies will lie in rest.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter 7 Questioning the Media

1. Describe your earliest memory of going to a movie. Do some research and compare this with a parent's or grandparent's earliest memory. Compare the different experience.
- My earliest memory of going to a movie was with my sisters and parents. I was around 6 years old when I first went. I remember being excited when we walked into the building. The first thing that caught my eyes were the lights and the sounds coming from the arcade. I wanted to play all the games, but my favorite was the game with the steering wheel. This was a new surrounding to me and I liked the enjoyment the arcade brought to me. Moving forward to the counter, I believe the theaters are quite wise when it comes to marketing. I spotted all kinds of candy, popcorn, nachos and a bunch of other junk foods. I was the right height to see it all. I yelled, kicked, and screamed until I got all the junk food a kid my age would want. The last step was making our way into the movie. There were plenty of seats to choose from, but I wanted the seats at the very top in the back. That way I would be higher than everyone. I looked at the screen and I thought "wow that is a real big tv." The seats were somewhat like lounge chairs and so comfortable. My mother told me I was into the movie, but slowly started to decline halfway through the movie. I figured it was because of all the junk food I ate during the movie.

- I compared my movie experience with my grandpa. He is quite the wise man and knows alot about history. He told me that growing up blacks were not allowed to mingle with whites when it came to movies. Also that blacks were limited to what/when they could watch at the movies. He told me they had drive in movie theaters. When a person would drive in a vacant parking lot and watch the movie on a big screen while sitting in this car. He remembers eating junk food and having fun with friends. He also remembers that some movies were in color, while others still remained black and white. I am glad that I have more options and advantages that what my grandpa had growing up.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.
- A movie I was advised not to watch was the original "Scream" movie. My mother did not want me to watch the movie because she felt I was not mature enough to handle the materials in the movie. My mother knew I was too young and would have bad dreams. At the time, I wanted to prove her wrong. I had only seen a handful of horror type movies, but I knew this movie would be nothing to be scared of. I decided to sneak and watch the movie with my older siblings and cousins. I was the youngest out of the group, while everyone else was twice my age. I was calm during the previews, but within ten minutes of the movie, I was scared. I found myself under the covers and loosing control. It was hard for me to sleep alone because I would picture the "killer" coming after me in my sleep. I slept with my parents a few times to be on the safe side. I was lucky enough not to have any bad dreams. I knew than that I should have listened to my mother from the beginning. 

3. How often do you go to the movie theaters today? How often do you play DVDs on a television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?
- I have not been to the movie theaters in a while because I have not found the time to go. I work on a regular basis throughout the week and being in school full time can also be another hassle. When I was younger I would go to the movies almost every weekend with friends because it was something to do on the weekend. The prices than were more affordable for me to go often. When I did go I would eat a big meal before I went, that way I would not have to buy any of the high priced snacks. The prices of the theaters now are quite pricey for me to go. I am more than sure as the prices continue to rise, the revenue of the movie theaters will slowly decrease. I also have not been because there has not been any movies that interest me well enough to go. I normally wait for the movie to come out on DVD, I try to find it on the newest creation, Netflix. I usually watch DVDs at home and on my computer a few times a week. I prefer to watch the DVDs at home because there is no rush, no hassling, and I can watch them on my time. I do not have to pay the crazy prices when I can watch them for cheap on my computer.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 6 Questioning the Media

2. If you controlled a cable public-access channel in your community, what would be your channel's goal? What could we do to make public-government,or educational  access programming more appealing? Should we?
- I would have a different type of goals that would provide an overall image for my company. One goal for my company would be to have a positive image to uphold. That way consumers would want to coperate with my company. I would not want other companies to bad mouth my company especially to consumers. I believe that having a good quality company is what would bring in the money and the business. Another goal would be to try to branch out amongst other communities. That way more people can have access to my channels and programs. The company would be something unique to provide information for the people of the community because the individuals are the community. A good way to make educational channels more appealing would be to change certain things around. I would try to have certain shows during particular time frames. The mornings would be for the young kids, getting ready for school. That way they can get the brain working early in the morning. Than towards the afternoon, that session would be for the older kids. When kids come home, the last thing they want to hear about is education anything while at home. A quick way to reach out to more kids is to link into what they like, cartoons. In a way, I feel by trying to make these topics more appealing would be a waste of energy.

3. Do you think the must-carry rules violate a cable company's First Amendment rights? Why or why not?
- I do not believe the must carry out rules violate the first amendment laws. The company does have the right to show and put on what they want to. At the same time, I feel the amendments have nothing to do with the must carry rules. The major must carry out rules states that the cable operators were to assign channels and carry all local tv broadcast on their systems. I believe it was fair of the FCC to come about with the rules and regulations. If the FCC would not have stepped in, the cable companies would have taken advantage of consumers. THe FCC made sure that everyone was having equal rights and opportunities when it came to be broadcasting shows.

5. Do you think DBS is an equal competitor to cable? Why or why not?
- The thought of DBS being an equal competitor to cable is out of the question. DBS has a higher advantage over cable. With cable, a consumer would be getting basic channels. The channels that are more required rather than wanted by consumers. The DBS has more option with channels that basic cable can not provide. The DBS also was able to provide HD channels and better quality. The usage of DBS has increased over the years. In my opinion, that proves consumers are leading more in that direction. A consumer would be able to watch different music, types of sports, and even stations programmed for music. Both programs are useful tools for entertainment, but DBS surely outshines the average cable network provided today.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chapter 5 - Questioning the Media-

1. Describe your earliest memories of watching television. What was your favorite show? Which, if any shows did your family watch together? Were there shows that you were not allowed to watch? Which ones and why?
- My earliest moments and memories with watching TV, happened when I was a young child. I remember watching the TV loving the sounds and the animations. I would cry and complain until I would get my way and watch TV. There were even times, I would fall asleep by the TV. My mama would always tell me "... back away from the TV, or you'll go blind." Luckily I listened to her and nothing bad came from me sitting to close. She would also say it was a great tool to keep me quiet for a few hours. My favorite shows included Sesame Street and Gullah Gullah Island. Those were my favorite shows because I loved counting, shapes, and the family on Gullah Gullah Island reminded me of my own family. A big caring family with different personalities all living in one house. The TV was a place were we would bond together as a family. As a family, we would watch game shows and action type shows. My sisters and I would always argue over what we wanted to watch. I would always win because I was the only boy in the family. I was used to always getting my way of some sort. When it came to the TV shows, there were also shows my parents blocked and forbid us from watching. We were not allowed to watch any shows that portrayed violence, sexual activity, drugs & alcohol involvement. One type of shows included wrestling, because it caused harm to other people for the fun of the sport. As I got older, my parents became more lenient as to what we watched.

2. How much television do you watch today? Which programs do you try to watch regularly? What attracts you to your favorite program(s)?
- I find myself watching television on a regular basis. I normally do it to pass the time because I am generally bored in my dorm room. It is also a useful tool at night, because the TV has to be on in order for me to go to sleep. I can watch the TV for hours because it gives me the opportunity to be lazy and relaxed. I also watch TV when I'm doing homework, even though it does distract me easily. I know that if I am not listening to my radio or ipod, than I am tuned into a TV show. On the TV, I am a very open minded person. When it comes to programs. I like to watch the news, things about animals, talk shows, game shows, and of course cartoons. My favorite show is First48 because it's a show my mama and I would watch together. It's a crime related type show that portrays real life murder crimes and gives a little lead way as to how the forensics team operates. We would try to figure out suspects and what happened within the crime scenes. The show attracts me because I know the show is real. There are no actors nothing has been "recreated." The police officers, the witnesses, the suspects are all new. The only thing that is changed, is the names of people to protect their rights. Some of my uncles and aunts are detectives and homicide officers. the field has always been an interest for me; watching the process on TV, makes the show even better.

3. If you were a network television executive, what changes would you try to make in the programs that America watches?
- There are a few changes I would have in mind. I would produce and direct more shows that focus on education. Some adolescents may know they need to have school to be successful and educated. Education is a structural tool that is needed in his/her background. Although, some may have different paths to choose. I would want programs to educate the younger crowd because they are the future leaders of this country. To show them the affects of not staying in the books. Some may end up as drop outs or even incarcerated. I would not want that for anyone especially if he/she has the capability to do more. I would also lend towards having more family oriented shows. Shows that families can sit and watch together and get the messages from within the shows. Families are loosing the sense of bonding together as a whole. I would also strive to eliminate the hardcore shows that portray the lifestyles of gangsters, gang members, and violence. I do know those issues may never go away, but it would be the one less thing watched by the children. In today's society children copy what they see on TV because it seems to be "cool." That is why parents should still be monitoring their children's shows.