Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 4 Questioning the Media:

1. Describe your earliest memories of listening to radio. Do you remember a favorite song? How old were you? Do you remember the station's call letters? Why did you listen?
- My earliest memories of listening to radio was when I would be over my grandparents house. My grandparents both enjoyed the radio every since they were young. I would listen to their radio on a contraption that looks nothing like the radios today. Their radio was huge and sat in the living room. We would listen as they cleaned the house or worked out in the yard. As I child, I learned about who the groups were on the radio as opposed to the actual songs. I know I used to listen to the temptations because it was my grandparents favorite group. I was around the age of 5 years old. I really didn't know what the words weree saying, let alone what they were talking about. The only thing I knew was that the songs always made a person want to dance. I knew the station was called V01.9 Hits & Oldies. I began to listen to the station more and more. I felt the station played the music that were more about having fun and dancing instead of drugs., alcohol, or violence. I still listen to the station on a daily basis. The hosts may have changed, but the overall motive of the show is still valid.

5. How might radio be used to improve social and political discussions in the United States?
- Radio can be used to improve social and political discussions. A good amount of people today, may not know what is truly going on in the world or in their communities. The radio would be another way to get the word out about news and the current politics. A citizen does have the right to know about issues of that nature. There may be some house holds that do not have tv or cable, so reaching them on radio would be a wise choice. Although, some may not be concerned with social news or political issues. In my opinion, I know would want to know what laws, changes, or future events that may take place in my community. I feel that radio should local stations to tune into to get information like that. Another idea would be for the popular radio stations to take the time to fit in topics about social or communities events as well as as national news.

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