Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 4 Questioning the Media:

1. Describe your earliest memories of listening to radio. Do you remember a favorite song? How old were you? Do you remember the station's call letters? Why did you listen?
- My earliest memories of listening to radio was when I would be over my grandparents house. My grandparents both enjoyed the radio every since they were young. I would listen to their radio on a contraption that looks nothing like the radios today. Their radio was huge and sat in the living room. We would listen as they cleaned the house or worked out in the yard. As I child, I learned about who the groups were on the radio as opposed to the actual songs. I know I used to listen to the temptations because it was my grandparents favorite group. I was around the age of 5 years old. I really didn't know what the words weree saying, let alone what they were talking about. The only thing I knew was that the songs always made a person want to dance. I knew the station was called V01.9 Hits & Oldies. I began to listen to the station more and more. I felt the station played the music that were more about having fun and dancing instead of drugs., alcohol, or violence. I still listen to the station on a daily basis. The hosts may have changed, but the overall motive of the show is still valid.

5. How might radio be used to improve social and political discussions in the United States?
- Radio can be used to improve social and political discussions. A good amount of people today, may not know what is truly going on in the world or in their communities. The radio would be another way to get the word out about news and the current politics. A citizen does have the right to know about issues of that nature. There may be some house holds that do not have tv or cable, so reaching them on radio would be a wise choice. Although, some may not be concerned with social news or political issues. In my opinion, I know would want to know what laws, changes, or future events that may take place in my community. I feel that radio should local stations to tune into to get information like that. Another idea would be for the popular radio stations to take the time to fit in topics about social or communities events as well as as national news.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Questioning the Media - Chapter 3 -

1. Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?
- My favorite music artist is Michael Jackson. I was in elementary school when I first began playing and listening to his music. I am currently still a big fan of his music and works. He was quite a character and different from other artists at the time. He chose to stand out amongst the crowd and be different. He was not afraid of taking chances and trying something new. As an adult, he has made decisions that may have not been the best, but it's his music that shines over his faults. He did not let his personal life try to affect his music. I feel his songs as well as his legacy shall remain strong as well as honored. His style of music is what attracted me because he didn't sing to a particular audience. His songs were for everyone and they were about honor, love, trust, and unity. In each song he made a point to get a general message across. Throughtout his career, seeing how he had the support and love from his parents and his fans, proved to me he was loved and respected.

2. If you ran a noncommercial campus radio station, what kind of music would you play and why?
- I would play anything my listeners would want to hear. I would not discrimate against any genre, style, or artist. I would bring back the oringinal cassette tapes and record players. These materials were the foundation and building blocks of the new generation of music. I know in some situations, I would have people listening and that may choose not to. I am not a biased person and will listen to anything once or twice. As a radio station owner/host, I am obligated to have an open mind and to make it more convienent for all. Or another idea would be to play certain types of songs on certain days or certain time frames. I would do everything in my power to satisfy the listeners. I would also welcome new talent that may want to sing songs or play his/her song on the radio. I would also try not to collide with other major radio stations that way my station would be quite unique. In the end, music is music and it's something to be enjoyed by all.

5. Do you think the Internet as a technologyy helps or hurts musical artists? Why do so many contemporary musical performers differ in their opinions about the Internet?
- I believe it can do both help and hurt an artist. A few things that can be benificial for an artist is that it would be a way to get his/her music out there to the general public. The Internet is a useufl tool to help market and to promote the music. There is a wide variety  of people who currently use the Internet on a daily basis. Once the music is out to the general public than the next steps would be to continue the promoting. The Internet may also be a good source to find out if a musical artist may be having an upcoming event or show. There are also negative issues that can occur from the Internet. There are multiple sites and applications online that allows a person to download a program or software. The programs on occasions are free and it allows the user to download songs or an entire CD for free, without having to step inside an audio store. The artist and the label would be losing money during this process. Unless, the downloading company puts heavy restrictions on the process. In some cases, there are criminal minded individuals who would like to make some quick money by bootlegging products. Many contemporary music performers differ in their opinions about the Internet because some people used the Internet as a way to get broadcasted while some artists went about it a more natural way. There are a few artists who may have started in talent shows, bars, or even local clubs. Music should be something that an artist is passionate about. Whether it is a career or a simple hobby.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chapter 2 - Questioning Review

1. What was your first encounter with the Internet like? How did it compare with your first encounters with other mass media?
- My first encounter with the internet was back in elementary school when I had to look up information for class. Prior to this, I only used the computer for games; not necessarily the internet because at the time I had no idea how the internet worked. At this point, I had more frequent encounters with the internet and opened up a new world to me. I realized there was more to the internet than just looking up information. I used to stay on the computer for hours at a time just browsing around. My interaction with the radio was quite different than the internet. My family always involved music around anything we did. Whether it was parties, family gatherings, or dinners. The radio was nothing new to me at this point. I remember playing with dials on the radio in the car. My first response was always wondering how the people on the radio were able to talkl and me hear them while driving in the car. Shortly after, I soon learned how radio communications actually worked.

2. What possibilities of the Internet's future are you most excited about? Why? What possibilities are most troubling? Why?
- The possibilities of the Internet's future that I am most excited about would be the new search engines and the hopes of having a stronger security system while online. Having a stronger and more advanced search engine can allow better opportunities for research. I twoud allow people to have more options than the basic search engines. I can see within the next few years the internet will have a stronger security system. That way people can feel safe putting in personal information on the computer or to do everyday things such as pay billls or shop online. That is why some people, including myself, are very hesitant to buy things online because I never know  who would catch my information or try to while being online. I believe the most troubling about the internet's future would be if the internet crashes or if the internet started to charge everytime you logged in or got onto the internet. The economy now is already in financial struggle so less househoulds are using internet access. If the government does decide that the internet should have a service charge, there would be less people signing onto the internet.

5. As we move from a print-oriented Industrial Age to a digitally based Information Age, how do you think individuals, communities, and nations will be affected?
- Individuals will be affected because not everyone has the access to see or read about news online and rely on things such as newspaper to read about what is going on in their communities and neighbors. The internet may be a little advanced for some, especially the ones from an earlier generation. The communities will be affected because some people have jobs within the mass media such as the newspaper. If the future turns everything into electronic based that means that some individuals may lose their source of a job. The nation as a whole would not be affected has hard as inviduals and communites because it would actually do the complete opposite. If the nation went all digital, that means that less newspapers would be sent out and that means less paper being used. There is always a talk about "going green" this would be apart of that project. It can always be a good thing if less things are being used to save and reserve.

Chapter 1 -Questioning Media

1. Using music or television as an example, identify a performer or program you once liked but grew away from as you got older and your tastes changed. Why do you think this happened? Do you think your early interests in popular music or television have had an impact on shaping your identity?Explain.
- As a child, I used to be a fanatic for Sesame Street. My favorite characters were Elmo, Big Bird, and Count Dracula. The show was very popular for me because it brought joy and happiness to me. It also made learning about numbers and shapes fun. I also enjoyed the daily songs they would sing. I felt that the show was made for kids just like me. Overall, it made the process of learning more interactive.The show even went as far as to providing a bonding time with my mother and I.  As I got older, the show began to provide little interest to me because I was growing older and had already received the educational affect. A bigger influence on me were my older siblings. I wanted to watch what the big kids were watching. I do believe television has a great deal of shaping your identity. I feel a person is going to watch something on tv that has a common interest to them. By showing the interest in the show, it proves that a person will watch somethin that appeals to his/her personality.

3. Pick an examle of a popular media product that you think is harmful to children. How would you make your concerns known? Should the product be removed from circulation? Why or Why not? If you think the product should be banned, how would you do it?
- An example of a popular media product that I feel is harmful to children would be the video games that are created today. When I was growing up, video games were less violent and more based on fun and adventures. A lot of games portrary violence and even sex related situations. The products are not appealing to me because I don't feel the need to associate or play those type of games. I don't believe any parent would want his/her child to see such obscene behavior, let alone play the games. The prodcuts shouldn't be removed, but the games should meet a strict age requirement to purchase those type of games. The age limit should be more based on the mature/adult type of level. In the business world, pulling the products may cause a lost of money towards some companies. The company should still stress the age plan. A game can't be quite appealing when it involves murdering the enemies or causing harm.

5. Although in some ways postmodern forms of communication, such as e-mail, MTV, cell phones, and Twitter, have helped citizens participate in global life, in what ways might these forms harm more traditional or native cultures.
- The good thing about the forms of communications are they provide a way to keep in touch or stay connected with friends and family. There are some friends and family members that I don't get to talk to on a regular basis, so I can use things such as Facebook as a source to talk with them when I have the time to. Another positive thing is that I can post pictures and even videos. Some people are not real big on face to face communication so he/she might use social sites or texting as a way to express themselves without having to say a word to anyone. It may be a good way to avoid confrontation, but at the same time it is not the way I would want to communicate. The negative views about the lack of communication is that it does take away the traditional way of talking face to face. That is the way things were done before the usage of texting and the social sites. Now that we have the options and different ways of communicating, we as a whole, have became lazy. It is hard to express how you truly feel with only words. The face to face communication would have more value behind it.